6 MAR | महिला दिवस |
25 FEB | Regarding ABC-ID |
11 JUL | B.SC I-SEM TIME TABLE 2024-25 |
11 JUL | B.A I-SEM TIME TABLE 2024-25 |
24 JUN | SMJN Assistant professor form(Contractual) 2024-25 |
28 MAR | Notice- Regarding Feedback |
16 MAR | Notice All Class UG & PG (16.03.2024) |
12 MAR | यूथ टू यूथ कनेक्ट कार्यक्रम |
23 FEB | रविदास जयन्ती (24.02.2024) |
31 JAN | कार्यालय ज्ञाप |
20 DEC | समान नागरिक संहिता एवं महिला सशक्तिकरण |
20 DEC | समान नागरिक संहिता एवं महिला सशक्तिकरण-1 |
10 OCT | Regarding- M.Com 1st-Sem Notice |
26 SEP | Sports Notice |
18 SEP | Upcoming National Seminar in collaboration with Uttarakhand Science Education and Research Centre (USERC), Dehradun on 7 October 2023. |
16 SEP | regarding ID CardID |
16 SEP | Regarding ID Card |
6 SEP | कैरियर सूचना (06.09.2023) |
6 SEP | श्री कृष्ण जन्माष्ट्मी अवकाश (06.09.2023) |
21 AUG | M.A & M.Com III-Sem (Registration) https://online.smjn.org |
14 AUG | Notice- M.A & M.Com Ist-Sem (Registration) |
10 AUG | Back Paper B.A,B.SC,B.COM IInd-Sem HNB GARHWAL (Centre Name-Chinmay DEGREE COLLEGE) |
27 JUL | Start Class for B.A , B.com(AIDED) & B.Sc Ist-Sem New Admission (2023-24) |
4 JUL | Merit List for Admission in B.Sc. CBZ (2023-24) NEP |
26 JUN | Notice for B.Sc. II Year Zoology External Practical |
24 JUN | Notice |
10 JUN | B.A,B.COM & B.SC 6th-Sem Main & Back Exam Form (HNB Garhwal University) |
8 JUN | Revised Date Sheet of Internal Exam- NEP June 2023 (Sri Dev Suman University) |
7 JUN | आवश्यक सूचना (07.06.2023) |
3 JUN | SMJN Assistant professor form(Contractual) 2023-24 |
3 JUN | समूह 'ग' व 'घ' के लिए आवेदन-पत्र (नितान्त अस्थायी) 2023--24 |
1 JUN | B.A & B.Sc 2nd-Sem (Inventory Management) |
31 MAY | बी.ए.,बी.कॉम. एवं बी. एस. सी प्रथम सेमेस्टर हेतु पंजीकरण (2023-24) |
17 MAY | B.A,B.COM & B.SC 6th-Sem Exam Form (HNB Garhwal University) |
9 MAY | छात्र-छात्राओं का प्रवेश शुल्क जमा करने की अन्तिम सूचना |
8 MAY | निविदा सूचना |
20 APR | Regarding Internal Exam B.A,B.COM & B.SC VI-SEM (HNB Garhwal University) |
15 APR | Exam Form B.A,B.Com & B.Sc 2nd-Year |
15 APR | Notice |
12 APR | बैशाखी व डॉ. भीमराव अम्बेडकर जयन्ती अवकाश |
6 APR | Notice for students |
6 APR | वार्षिकोत्सव 10 अप्रैल 2023 |
28 MAR | Notice G-20 (28.03.2023) |
28 MAR | B.A,B.Com & B.Sc 2nd-Year Notice |
20 MAR | Students Notice (20.03.2023) |
17 MAR | Notice for students Regarding Examinations |
16 MAR | Notice (160.03.2023) |
13 MAR | B.A,B.Com , B.Sc 1st-Sem (NEP) & M.A , M.Com 1st,3rd Sem For Admit Card |
11 MAR | मेहंदी प्रतियोगिता (14.03.2023) |
9 MAR | Notice |
9 MAR | Sports (09.03.2023) |
1 MAR | जिला स्तरीय युवा उत्सव-2023 में आयोजित प्रतियोगिता हेतु नियम (04/03/2023) |
27 FEB | विज्ञान दिवस (28.02.2023) |
20 FEB | B.A,B.Com,B.Sc,M.A & M.Com Students Notice |
17 FEB | महा शिवरात्रि (18.02.2023) |
15 FEB | B.A , B.COM & B.SC Ist-Sem (NEP) Students Notice |
4 FEB | Rangoli 04 February 2023 |
3 FEB | Parent Teacher Meeting |
1 FEB | Reg. (NIELIT) 04 & 6 Feb-2023 |
1 FEB | रंगोली प्रतियोगिता (01.02.2023) |
1 FEB | Reg. (NIELIT) 01.02.2023 |
24 JAN | B.A,B.Sc & B.Com I-Sem (NEP) |
21 JAN | ICAI Startup Samvad Programme Jan 21, 2023 |
20 JAN | M.COM I & III - Sem(20.01.2023) |
19 JAN | Notice (Teachers & Office Sttaf) |
19 JAN | V-Sem (20.01.2023) |
17 JAN | Students Notice (17.01.2023) |
10 JAN | कार्यालय ज्ञाप Jan 10, 2023 (1) |
7 JAN | Students Notice (07.01.2023) |
7 JAN | Students Notice (07.01.2023) Exam Form Sri Dev Suman University |
7 JAN | ABC-Reg. Jan 07, 2023 |
6 JAN | Adobe Scan Jan 06, 2023 (1) |
5 JAN | Guru Govind Singh 05-Jan 2023 |
2 JAN | Adobe Scan Jan 02, 2023 |
2 JAN | निरंजनी सुपर-33 रिजल्ट घोषित |
17 DEC | Notice Internal Exam v-sem |
15 DEC | Notice (15.12.2022) |
15 DEC | 15.12.2022 चिकित्सा शिविर |
7 DEC | Notice |
5 DEC | Exmamination form (HNB) |
3 DEC | कैरियर काउंसिलिंग सैल |
2 DEC | Notice 02.12.2022 |
1 DEC | Students Notice 01.12.22 |
1 DEC | निरंजनी सुपर-33 01.12.22 |
S.M.J.N. (P.G.) College, an institution of academic excellence was established in 1960-61. The college has always strived to, and successfully maintained its place as one of the finest institutions. S. M. J. N. (P.G.) College not only provides an environment rich in knowledge to the students but also promotes them to explore their extracurricular interests. Over the years, the college has built up an impressive range of academic facilities such as a fully equipped laboratories, career counselling cell, eco club, sports facilities, library with huge literature, computer lab with internet facility. From the session 2021-22 the college had been affiliated to Shri Dev Suman Uttarakhand State University, Tehri - Garhwal (Uttarakhand).